Blake’s heart was bigger than his wonderful smile 
I worked for Nordstrom when it was “Nordstrom Best” in the early 70’s. I worked in the Brass Plum at Northgate….my employee number was #2705! I got married had to quit because my husband was going to do his Residency in the Army which took us to Hawaii. I didn’t get to periodically work to be able to save that number. After many years and moving back to the Northwest I was hired in Tacoma to work in Point of View in the year 2000.
One day in 2002, Blake visited our store….I had the opportunity to meet him and talk with him. I told him that my Dad had found one of my old Nordstrom Best cards! He thought that was so great and said “I am going to be in the store tomorrow…will you bring it…I’d love to see it!”
So of course …The next day I brought my card in. Blake came in and found me and I got to show it to him!! Blake said “This is so cool!! I’d love to show it to my Dad….he would enjoy it…could I take it and then send it back to you?” I said of course !!
Well….a few weeks went by and I didn’t even think about it. I came home to a package by my door….it was my old card framed along my new card and a letter in the frame, thanking ME !!! saying, “On behalf of my entire family, I want to thank you for the many years of service you have given towards our company. Our best wishes for all that you do in helping build our company’s reputation in the eyes of our customers.
Blake Nordstrom
Nordstrom, Inc.
in a beautiful Museum Quality frame….Blake, you made me feel so special….I could hardly believe it. I loved servicing people that came to Nordstrom and loved making their day and giving the best customer service I could. I loved working at Nordstrom.
I also bumped into Blake one morning a year ago walking into the E-bar…he was going to work …he could have kept going ….but he stopped for a minute to chat. What a humble man who truly was the best at what he did. You were such a driving force…amazing, humble leader.
I am so shocked and incredibly saddened. My heart aches for your beautiful wife, daughter and son. Also for the entire Nordstrom family and our community. Praying continually for all of you.
Cindy Clapper
Cindy Gwinn Clapper