I will be celebrating 25 years with Nordstrom this September. If you were to ask me who I worked for I would say “Blake Nordstrom”. He is the person who made me a “Believer” He is kind, approachable, honest, and the love he has for the company was obvious. Anytime I heard him speak I was motivated. His words of wisdom went straight to my heart. He was serious but his message was gentle. He motivated me and all employees to be their best. It wasn’t just once he impressed me. It was continuous throughout my years. Each encounter I had was the glue that made me stay. I may have felt nervous in his presence but never felt intimidated. He was a very good decent human being & leader. I am honored to have worked for him. My sadness must pale in comparison to the executive team, his dad, brothers, wife and children. I am sorry for the loss you are dealing with. I would like to believe God needed Blake to be his archangel. God must have needed him on his team.

Debbie Hartwig