Memory at Store Opening
Blake was always the most upbeat a cheery visitor to have in our stores. To be honest, he seemed to be the most relatable of anyone on the Executive team.
First time meeting him was when we opened store #283 in Minnetonka, MN. I was in his group the day we had the Executive team in store. He called managers up one-by-one, using their name and something he had found out about them, then asked us individual questions on what we were going to do or what we were most excited about. It was amazing to me that he took time to learn all about us before coming into the store. My time to come up and shake his hand (*nerve racking*) – he knew it was my first DM role and that we had fought to have fine jewelry in our store. I introduced myself and cracked a joke…we were instantly connected. He had an amazing ability to do this everywhere he went and I feel so fortunate to work for a company that is truly rooted in these values.
Thank you, Blake. Thank you, Nordstrom family. My prayers and heart is with you during this difficult time.